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Two brothers growing up in Hawai’i–one’s a surfing star, the other’s literally allergic to water.
A Note for Teachers, Parents, and Librarians
The Niuhi Shark Saga is a middle grade to young adult adventure, coming of age, and magical realism trilogy. Told from an authentic Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) perspective and set in a contemporary world where all the Hawaiian myths and legends are real, the series explores belonging, adoption, being different, bullying, defining family, and learning to turn weaknesses into strengths.
One Boy, No Water, Book 1 in the Niuhi Shark Saga, was a 2017 Nene Award Nominee. The Nene Award is Hawaii’s Children’s Choice Book Award recognizing outstanding literary works. It also recieved a Gold Quill award from LUW for outstanding middle grade book and is included on many APPI/AANHPI recommended reads lists.
Through the series Zader discovers he’s not really a boy allergic to water; he’s something much more special, dangerous, and powerful. His adoptive brother Jay discovers what happens when the golden surfing star falls from his pedestal and has to choose to make the long climb back from serious injury. It’s the ties that bind and support the brothers that allow them to create their own destinies.
As typical Hawaiian islanders, characters use common Hawaiian and Pidgin words and phrases. For readers unfamiliar with the culture, the meaning is clear from the context and there is a Hawaiian & Pidgin Glossary for additional support. Each chapter begins with a related island word or phrase and its definition. A Discussion Guide for book club or classroom use is included.